It would be quite helpful to display the estimated conclusion of an epoch in days/hours/minutes under the block countdown, with a disclaimer that it's an estimate. Another useful set of metrics to display would pertain to user-level APY: what your APY was for the last epoch/what your APY is since you began.
Additionally, I think the staking page itself is still a bit too overwhelming to appeal to a wider and perhaps less technical base. Therefore, I propose adding a link to a simple FAQ/How To about the validator/delegator UI. Written in layman's terms and/or with step by step walkthroughs and answers to common questions such as:
"how long is an epoch/block?," "what is the rough estimate APY that I can expect?"
"how long does it take to earn rewards if I just started?"
"how do I send my tokens to ethereum?"
The bottom line with all of this is lowering the perceived barrier to entry. Adding xDai to Metamask and crossing the bridge is the "hard" part. The rest should be as intuitive as possible imo!