I am laying out a three point approach for the xDai team, each point flowing into the next. The ALL-CAPS words are meant to be highlighted for emphasis (I can't bold in this text editor).
In order to win, the xDai team and community must focus on one clear and decisive narrative using simple and direct language. Something along the lines of:
“There is a problem that is breaking Ethereum: Gas prices are prohibitively high. This prevents people from using Ethereum and participating in DeFi, and also penalizes smaller investors with little capital. All of this is halting development and keeping the ETH price down. ETH2 will solve this problem but it is still a few years away. In order to keep Ethereum development going there needs to be a BRIDGE between ETH and ETH2. xDai is the BEST AND MOST PRACTICAL solution to be that bridge and to keep development going on Ethereum until ETH2 comes out. STAKE is the currency that supports xDai and will APPRECIATE IN VALUE as more and more developers use xDai to bridge the gap between ETH1 and 2.”
Gas is too high. ETH 2 is years away. xDai solves this. STAKE will go up.
This message needs to be clearly communicated through all of xDai’s marketing channels. Including on the website.
As Igor is proud of, the website DOES contain all the information about the xDai project but as of this moment it is inaccessible to the average Ethereum investor/speculator. The website looks like it was written by developers FOR developers, but to the normal eye it looks like a Craigslist website from 2009.
To be able to differentiate between POSDAO, xDai, the xDai bridge, STAKE, and staking that STAKE, you need to take night classes with the way the website currently is.
The average person who will give STAKE its value (the objective) cares about one thing: “What will increase the value of my coin.”
The point of marketing, and of the website, is that it is your first interaction with your customer. They want to know what your project is and how they will win with it IMMEDIATELY. All the answers to the top questions must be visually and beautifully laid out for them with simple graphics and short sentences/explanations.
The people who want to give you their money should be lead to purchasing STAKE with an immediate CALL TO ACTION BUTTON and the ones who need to learn more can dive into the comprehensive information you already have on the current site.
Look at your competitor NEAR's website: https://www.near.org
It is beautifully laid out, presents information well, is bright and vibrant, has a mascot to make it friendly, and even has an immediate call to action. It shows NEAR's current investors and their graphics make them seem like they are an important inter-connected hub (which YOU are too!) As you scroll down, the information you need is presented to you, including team bios, etc. They look professional because they ARE professional and they are COMMUNICATING this aesthetically and beautifully. The average person going to this site now trusts NEAR and thinks to themselves immediately “How do I get some NEAR!”
Marketing is very important, the intent of this section is to drive that point and communicate that you TOO need to show yourselves in the spotlight.
As an investor, I look to see an active engaged team of a project with multiple members that are all interacting with the community on Twitter and engaging in broader discussions with the community and giving specific answers to peoples questions. This shows there is a real legitimate team filled with trustworthy people who desire to make their project as successful as they can.
Beyond the main xDai account, a few announcement tweets, and the response to Vitalik, I do not see xDai being discussed anywhere.
I believe this is very important.
All this being said I believe your team is head down and focused and working hard at making this TECHNICALLY a brilliant and obvious choice for developers. I speculate that you may imagine doing a marketing effort to be unnecessary, not worth your time, or “bullshit.” I hope I was able to communicate that it’s not BS and very important EVEN as you grow and TO grow.
I am invested in your project as many others are with my STAKE and I wish to see you succeed.
I am happy and available to help, along with a full team of others behind me, if you want.
  • Coindaddy